SolidWorks 2021 Premium ISO is a handy and wonderful 3D design and assembling tool which makes the workflow easier than any other software. Make 3D Designs and pieces of machines or any other tool and assemble them on time. The drawing feature is one of the most advanced features we have experienced so far. With an enormous amount of new features and tools, you are able to design the pieces in one place and make them assemble in various formats. The templates and interface in this software are also updated with the use of some advanced effects. This is a standalone application which is compatible with 32 Bit as well 64 Bit operating system. Let’s dive in and explore some amazing features of this software.
Technical Info about SolidWorks Premium 2021 ISO:
- Full Software Name: SolidWorks 2021
- Configuration file name: DS.SolidWorks.2021.SP0.0.Premium.rar
- Full configuration size: 15 GB
- Release of the latest version added on: October 12, 2020
- Compatibility Architecture: 64-bit (x64)
- Configuration type: offline installer / complete standalone configuration
- Developers: Dassault Systems
Complete Overview of SolidWorks 2021 ISO Standalone:
It is now capable of creating smoother curves than ever in sketches thanks to the new G3 sketch relation. Convert entity is an invaluable tool for many designers. It allows you to project edges into your current sketch to easily reuse geometry and new features. However, it is limited to converting edges or faces. Assembling the pieces in one part and then finalizing in the review phase will make the design look amazing than usual. There are several new tools and plugins which makes the drawing process of this tool more advance because you can start a specific project from scratch as well. Now you can convert any kind of entity in different formats available in it.

After making this change however the fillets fail despite their position remaining the same. With fillet repair, we no longer need to re-select the edges, and instead we can simply edit the feature right-click and choose to repair all missing edges. So that brings us to the end of my picks. I hope you can see how these are going to save you time. Though this is only a fraction of what’s new to SolidWorks 2021, several more options like curves, making advances, and complex angles are added. These features make it possible for you to design a completely new piece in the machine and review it finally.
Quick Mates:
There has been several improvements made to quick mates, the quick mate toolbar appears whenever you select multiple components in an assembly and with SOLIDWORKS 2020 you can now flip the mate’s alignment after adding a quick mate, control the parameters of a width mate, add limit distance and limit angle mates and more such as in SolidWorks 2015 Premium. Creating smooth curvature is very important for many modern designs and there are hundreds of examples I could give of consumer products that feature a blend that is smoother and more complicated than a simple radial fillet. It’s honestly too deep a topic to get into outside of a training environment but to sum up the improvement.
Silhouette entities:
Essentially it functions the same but instead allows you to select entire bodies or parts. Here I want to create an indent in this packaging for the watch to rest on. So after beginning a sketch I can access silhouette entities from beneath convert entities and with a single click on the watch. The whole part is selected. The external silhouette is selected so no interior sketch loops will be created as I okay the command.

If you want this cut to be slightly larger, so I’ll offset the edges and then use a cut extrude to create that small cut into the packaging foam. This looks like it’s worked well so the final thing for me to do is to mate the watch in a position such as in SolidWorks 2017. One small extra tip for this, if you’re trying to use silhouette entities inside an assembly and you only want to pick up on a body within a part, rather than the whole part, you can turn on the body filter down here and that will just change your selection allowing you to be more specific with what you’re after.
Surface Offset:
Surface offset has been improved so that the command can now complete, even if your selection contains faces that can’t be offset. Instead these faces are highlighted and you can remove all failing faces easily with a right-click like in SolidWorks 2020 Premium. Any gaps or problem areas can then be plugged with regular surfacing tools. This one I see as being a huge time saver for anyone that uses surfacing. Flexible components are new to 2021 and they provide a perfect method of representing springs cables living hinges and other flexible parts in multiple states within an assembly without needing to create any extra configurations.
This not only saves time but it also helps you to keep an accurate BOM. Making a component flexible is easy. Simply select the command from the context menu and then choose a new target for the parts external references. This part’s 3D path will now update to follow the new circular face reference. Every time the assembly now moves the part will update. My last pick is a small change but I feel it’s likely to benefit every user. Sometimes when design changes are made subsequent fillets will fail due to losing their edge references.
Some Amazing Features in SolidWorks 2021 Premium ISO Download:
- 3D Path editing and making them unique.
- New Circular face reference.
- Surface Offsets are updated.
- Silhouette Entities are added.
- Advance data management and electrical routine.
- Improvements inline drawing are added.
- Easily reuse geometry
- Make new pieces from the older ones.
- Start the project from scratch.
- Very easy to use interface.
- 3D Design and analysis is improved.
System Requirements For SOLIDWORKS Premium 2021
Below are some of the recommended settings and requirements listed before you start SOLIDWORKS Premium 2021 free download, make sure your PC meets minimum system requirements.
- Operating System: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10.
- Hard Disk Space: 15 GB of free space required.
- Processor: Intel Dual Core processor or later.
- Memory (RAM): 2 GB of RAM required.
SolidWorks 2021 Premium For free:
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